

You can use Triggers (or conditions) to prevent the execution of a scheduled job. For example, if you had a query that was scheduled to run every 5 minutes and send an email, you can add trigger / condition that must be met before the email is actually sent. There are three types of triggers:

You can only use blocks that are titled and return exactly one row for the "trigger block"

  1. "Block has rows" checks if another block is currently returning rows
  2. image
  3. "Block value changed" will check if one of the columns in another block has changed since the last run
  4. "Block value changed by..." allows you to define a custom JavaScript Conditional (ternary) operator. The current and previous results are available to the operator as cur and prev.
  5. For example, if you had a column in the trigger block called "users" and you wanted to check if users increased 10% since the last run you could use the ternary:

    cur.users > prev.users * 1.1 ? true : false