LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads

You can sync data from your database or warehouse → LinkedIn Ads to update and enrich Account data and improve campaign performance.

Using the Mapping UI

  1. To start sending your database data to LinkedIn Ads, Authorize the app.
  2. Write your SQL query in the app for the data you want to send to LinkedIn Ads and view the results. Be sure to include the Idfor the record in LinkedIn Ads.
  3. Select "LinkedIn Ads" as the Destination and select your object (e.g. Campaign) and operation (e.g. update).
  4. image
  5. Click "Mapping" next to Results under your query.
  6. In the Mapping UI, select columns from your query and map them to the fields in LinkedIn Ads you want to send them to.
  7. Click "Test Sync" once you've mapping all your columns to their corresponding fields in LinkedIn Ads to ensure the sync is working. You can also view job updates in the SeekWell App's Feed.