

With SeekWell you can query your Airtable bases (including across multiple bases) using plain SQL (SQLite flavor).

To test this on an example Base, copy the Sales CRM Base in the Airtable Templates


  1. In SeekWell, go to Source → "Add source" in the top right of the app
  2. image

  3. Add your Airtable API key to the source
  4. image

    You can get your API key here on your account page (Click on "Generate key" if one isn't already there


  5. Go to https://airtable.com/api and click on the base you want to connect to. Check the URL for the Base / App ID, it start with "app". It's also shown in green on this page in third paragraph
  6. image

  7. Write some SQL! Use the Base ID (appkLTrRdxeM51z0P in this example) as the SQL schema name and the table name to test a SELECT statement
  8. select *
    from appREPLACEWITHYOURID."Opportunities"
    limit 10

    Double quotes (") are required for Tables with space(s) in the name. For example, a table name of "This Has Spaces" will be SELECT * FROM apppId."This Has Spaces"

Joining Tables

  1. SeekWell adds two special columns to your Table:
    • __id is the unique id for the record in your table, use this to join to "Linked" records / tables
    • __createdTime is the timestamp for when the record was created
    • You can use these like any other column

  2. In the Sales CRM Base, there is an Accounts table and a Contacts table. To join them, let's use the first id of the first linked Contact and get their Name
  3. select 
    a.__id as account_id,
    a.__createdTime as account_created_on,
    a.Size as size,
    substr(a.Opportunities, 3, 17) as first_op,
    substr(a.Contacts, 3, 17) as primary_contact,
    c.Name as contact_name
    appREPLACEWITHYOURID."Accounts" as a inner join 
    appREPLACEWITHYOURID.Contacts as c on substr(a.Contacts, 3, 17) = c.__id
    limit 10
    This substr is necassary because Airtable return a linked records as an array. This substring gets just the id of the first item in the array